New Zealand
Archived Data
Higher Education Sector | Inbound Mobility | Outbound Mobility
Higher Education Institution (HEI): Also referred to as Tertiary Education Organizations (TEO).
Public HEI: Or public providers are all TEOs that are approved by the Crown (government), and are funded by the government depending on the number of students and type of study. Public providers include universities, institutes of technology and polytechnics (ITPs) and wānangas (HEIs providing education in a Māori cultural context).
Private HEI: Referred to as Private Training Establishments (PTE), these are HEIs that provide post-school education and vocational training. Some PTEs are partially funded by the government depending on the number of students and type of study.
Inbound/International Student: Individuals studying in New Zealand without New Zealand or Australian citizenship or permanent residence status and who are required to pay international fees for their study or who have specific fees exemptions set in regulations. Students studying off-shore at higher education providers that are registered in New Zealand are considered international students unless they hold New Zealand citizenship. Off-shore students are excluded from data reported for Project Atlas. Excluded education forms include: non-formal learning and on-job industry training; students on exchange schemes and foreign research based post-graduates.
Outbound Student: A New Zealand student enrolled in overseas public higher education institutions. New Zealand supplements outbound mobility data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics.
Data from the New Zealand Ministry of Education include students from vocation and technical post-secondary institutions.